meat n. 1.(食用)肉。 2.〔古语〕食物;〔古语〕餐。 3.(蛋、贝、果子等的)肉;(蟹、虾等的)肉。 4.(书的)内容,实质。 butcher's meat 家畜的肉。 white [light] meat 白肉〔指鸡等禽类胸脯肉〕。 red meat 红肉〔指牛肉、羊肉等〕。 dark meat 黑肉〔指烧不白的鸡(腿)肉〕。 green meat 青菜,蔬菜。 inside meat 可吃的内脏。 One man's meat is another man's poison. 利于甲者未必利于乙。 after meat , mustard 饭后上芥末,〔转义〕雨后送伞。 as full (of errors) as an egg is of meat (头脑等)充满了(错误);尽是(错误)。 be at meat 正在吃饭。 be meat and drink to 对(某人)是无上的乐趣。 be meat for sb.'s master 太好。 meat and potatoes 〔美俚〕重点,基础。 sit at meat 就席。 meat-and-potatoes adj. 〔美俚〕重要的,基本的。
It is apparent from inspection of the table that poultry meat and eggs are relatively high in many of the essential amino acids . 如表所示,显然在禽肉和蛋类里许多必需氨基酸含量相对较高。
Determination of 10 elements in poultry meat by icp - ms 法分析禽类肉中10种元素
The poultry meat was tested to be free from pathogen 本批禽肉经检验未发现致病微生物。